Do you remember the beach as a small child, running full out with reckless abandon? Do you remember how big the ocean looked to you and how it seemed to chase you on the sand, cold fingers grabbing at your chubby baby toes and ankles? And how about the smell of the beach–salty, sandy, coconut smelling tropical suntan-lotiony? Unless, of course, your mother used a concoction of iodine and baby oil to protect your delicate skin from the sun, but that was old school, so you probably wouldn’t know about that. Do you remember the salty taste of the ocean as it sneaked into your mouth and nose as you tried to swim or the gritty feel of sand on every part of your body? Do you remember how beautiful the seashells looked as you carefully collected them like precious gems to take a little bit of the beach home with you? I do.

Running on the beach – St. Simons Island, GA
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