The trouble with insomnia is that there are periods when I really am sleeping. Unfortunately, these periods of sleep are very brief and very light. In fact, I’m not sure I would even call it sleep. I’m sleeping but I think I’m laying awake in the bed. And if I am “thinking” am I sleeping, then how can I be sleeping. My mind and body drift uncomfortably between sleep and awake like a boat rocking gently on a small pond. The photo below is reminiscent of the sleep-awakeness that I feel during insomnia. It looks real, AND it looks dream-like. The water is calm and relaxing; its milky texture soothes like a dream. The dock is rooted like a solid anchor to reality. When I hear my alarm clock, my tired mind-body drag back to the reality of the awake.

Suspended in Insomnia | Lake at Serenbe