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It’s not called Hotlanta for nothing.  So it’s hot!  Of course it is, because it’s summer, July no less.  But you can’t live in the south without remarking at how hot it is.  Looking at this snow covered mountain from a trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico made me feel just a little bit cooler.  Maybe it will cool you off a bit too.

Snow caps in Albuquerque, NM

Snow caps in Albuquerque, NM

Ultra saturated, terracotta red everywhere!  The red soil in Sedona blew my mind.  I didn’t enhance the colors in this photo one bit, by the way.  I loved this color and wanted to bring it home in my camera, in my mind, and unfortunately in my used-to-be white sneakers.  The soil is so red because of the iron oxide (a.k.a. rust) in it.  This photo was taken at one of the many vortexes in Sedona.  What is a vortex you ask?  It’s a place where spiritual energy is concentrated.  More on that later…

Sedona Vortex

Vortex in Sedona, Arizona


Walking on the beach feels so good, so therapeutic to me.  A long stretch of beach with no end in sight.  It doesn’t matter whether the waves pound the beach with a roar or gently lap lap at the shore.  It’s the rhythmic sound of the water and the land connecting, the wind in my ears, and my relaxed stride in the water or on the sand.  This is a good time to think.  This is a good time to not think.

Beach walking

Beach walking - St. Simons Island, GA


Watching the ominous, storm clouds move swiftly out into the ocean reminds me of the saying about the calm after the storm.  No matter how bad the storm, there is always peace and blue skies afterward.  I think life is like that too.  Just saying…

Post-storm beach

Post-storm beach - Jekyll Island, GA

  • July 16, 2012 - 10:58 pm

    Connie G. Cross - Are these Great pics for sale?ReplyCancel

Sunday evening feels like the sunset on a wonderful weekend.  Even though I know the sun will rise again and another weekend will come at the end of the approaching week, I still get the Sunday night blues.  So this sunset is my gift to all of you who get the Sunday night blues too.

Sunset on St. Simons Island

Sunset on St. Simons Island, GA

  • July 9, 2012 - 10:25 am

    Connie G. Cross - This bring back memories of quiet conversations and walks on the beach.ReplyCancel

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